TPACK – Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge

I think in the Venn diagram I fall under the P and the C. The C because as an elementary teacher you get to teach everything, from math, to reading, science, and even music these days. But you can’t teach all of these subjects without coming armed and ready for your classes with tools in how you’re going to teach your class. By figuring out which method works for younger children is one way to put your tools or the Pedagogy Knowledge to work. With elementary education the chances of being able to have a group discussion that stays on track or that stays focused are hard, and they are usually to young to know how to hold a debate or inquire on things. So by modeling that would be the tool that I would choose most often from my pedagogy knowledge tool belt. Looking at this now, I never thought about these three areas and making the content accessable that easily and that it would be difficult for students to understand most things. So I’ll eventually start needing to bring in the T from the Venn diagram and make this all partner together with the technology once I’ve started messing/playing around more with the options of what to use and not to use